Monsignor Lafferty Tuition Foundation Overview
Monsignor Lafferty Tuition Foundation was named after long-time superintendent of schools- Msgr. James Lafferty. Lafferty served as diocesan superintendent of Catholic schools from 1965-1986. He also served as principal at Bishop Heelan Catholic High School from 1959-1962.
Lafferty, who died in 2003, was known as one of the most effective lobbyists that the Iowa Catholic Conference ever had. As diocesan superintendent one of his roles was to raise the level of awareness in the Iowa legislature of the importance of accredited, non-public schools.
The late superintendent believed there should be as few barriers preventing low-income families from taking advantage of the option of a Catholic education. He helped to promote legislation related to transportation, textbooks, and technology.
He spent a great deal of time nurturing relations with the legislation and promoting the fact that Iowa has a strong tradition of parent choice. Many legislators today will have strong commitments to Msgr. Lafferty's vision.
The Monsignor Lafferty Tuition Foundation established in 2006 enables thousands of families to consider Catholic schools as a choice.
The Monsignor Lafferty Tuition Foundation awards tuition grants to students of qualifying families who attend a Catholic school in the Diocese of Sioux City.
By contributing to the Monsignor Lafferty Tuition Foundation, donors can receive a tax credit certificate worth 75% of their donation.