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The Partners in the Spirit Annual Fund Campaign seeks to enhance the experience of our students through the generous support of our "extended family", our donors.  We believe that you have the right to know specifically what accomplishments your gift makes possible and that you have a choice in directing how those gifts are to be used.  We hope that you welcome this opportunity to provide additional support.  Our goal is a partnership in which your commitment to the system is made visible and tangible every day in campus life at St. Edmond.  Your investment in the Saint Edmond family is vital to keeping our programs excellent, successful, and attractive.

There are various areas where you can choose to direct your gift:

  • Unrestricted Gifts -  This fund is the backbone of our system.  These gifts support the "necessities" that occur annually, items from building and grounds needs, technology advancements, and staff instructional needs to the basic utility costs. These unrestricted gifts are essential to our operating fund.  If your interest in Saint Edmond is in operations, an unrestricted gift to Partners in the Spirit would be a great choice for you.

  • Mary and Maurie Stark Memorial Fund - These gifts are restricted for use by our system to enhance the salaries of our teaching staff.

  • Maurice and Denise Flattery Scholarship - The family of the late Maurice and Denise Flattery established this scholarship in memory of their parents, long-time St. Edmond advocates.  The annual recipient of the scholarship will be an 8th-grade student from the system, who will receive a $1,250.00 scholarship for tuition at St. Edmond for their 9th grade year.  Established by a family trust, this well-designed internal scholarship seeks the support of others wishing to reward students by assisting them with high school tuition.  

  • Ralph Schulte Service Scholarship Fund - Ralph Schulte was a dedicated faculty member of Saint Edmond, who along with his wife Becky had 6 children graduate from Saint Edmond. A major part of Ralph's duties at the school was assigning students service work in the school and in the community. Service to mankind was a passion of Ralph's and after his passing, his family created the Service Scholarship Fund in his honor. The purpose of this fund is that an annual scholarship, initially in the amount of $1,000, will be awarded to a Saint Edmond junior who has displayed outstanding service. The scholarship is to be used for Saint Edmond tuition, thus keeping the funding "in-house", so to speak. In addition, the fund seeks contributions from other supporters who believe in service to mankind, potentially raising either the amount or the number of scholarships awarded annually. Msgr. McEvoy & Kollasch Tuition Funds - These gifts can make a difference for a student being able to afford the high-quality education provided by St. Edmond.  These funds will be allotted for tuition assistance.

  • Donor Restricted Gifts - You may delegate to a specific area that you wish your gift to go such as library, science program, athletics, music, textbooks, etc.  If you would like, we could assist you as to what the specific needs of each area are.

  • Technology Fund - In this rapidly changing area, we need to stay current with the times  It is imperative that we seek assistance in replacing and improving our equipment and software annually.  If this is your area of concern, then a gift to technology would assist us with these needs.

  • Partners in the Spirit Annual Fund - Gifts to the Partners in the Spirit Annual Fund are unrestricted gifts and are the backbone of our system.  These gifts support the necessities that annually occur, items from building and grounds needs, technology advancements, and staff instructional needs to the basic utility costs.  These unrestricted gifts are essential to our operating fund.  If your interest in St. Edmond is in operations, an unrestricted gift to "partners in the Spirit would be a great choice for you.

  • Bud and Mary McCarville Campus Ministry Fund - Gifts given to this fund will be utilized to enhance Catholic formation for St. Edmond students (PS-12) and faculty. Funds will be appropriated for retreats, Catholic speakers, and other opportunities that will assist our students and faculty in deepening their discipleship with the Lord. 

  • Mary McCarville and Family Saint Edmond Tuition Scholarship Fund - was established by Mary's family in her memory. Mary and her husband, Bud, had 8 children graduate from Saint Edmond. The intent of the scholarship is that it be awarded to a student in need of tuition assistance at St. Edmond preferably to the family that the funds would make a difference on the student's ability to enroll or remain at the school. It is the hope of the family that the recipient be in the lower elementary grades or a new enrollee. The family established this scholarship with an endowed gift but wishes to accept donations from others who see the value and importance of this scholarship and hope to see either the amount or the number awarded grow. 

  • Msgr. Donahoe Capital Expenditure Fund - Many projects for improvement come up throughout the year to enhance the school's buildings and for safety and value. Gifts to this fund will help with allowing these necessary projects to be accomplished. 

  • Rev. Patrick Walsh/Tom Miklo Fund - This fund was set up in gratitude for Fr. Walsh and Tom Miklo. They were both instrumental in securing the future of St. Edmond. Gifts to this fund will aid our operating costs.

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