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What is the Heritage Society?

The Heritage Society is an organization of individuals whose interest and commitment to the St. Edmond Catholic School System has motivated them to make deferred or planned gifts to that System.  The purpose of the Society is to acknowledge, with appreciation, those who have thus demonstrated their commitment to Catholic education and to promote and attract further gifts of this nature.

Who are the candidates for membership?

  • Anyone sharing this vision and willing to make a financial commitment.

    What is a deferred or planned gift?

  • Any number of arrangements will ultimately result in financial benefits to the St. Edmond Catholic School System.

    What are the advantages and importance of deferred or planned gifts?


Benefits for St. Edmond Catholic School

  • It provides the substantial financial support necessary to ensure the long-term viability of the System through the expansion of permanent endowment funds.

  • Helps motivate personal involvement as a result of financial commitment.


Benefits for the donor

  • Method of providing financial benefits to the System without depleting day-to-day or retirement financial resources.

  • Often results in substantial income tax as well as estate and/or inheritance tax savings. In certain circumstances, such a gift may even increase current income.

  • Enable a donor to share in both the present and future of a System in which a donor can take pride.

  • What planned gifts qualify for the Heritage Society?

  • A Will directing all or a portion of your estate to St. Edmond Catholic Schools

  • An insurance policy, IRA, or retirement vehicle naming the St. Edmond Catholic Schools as beneficiary.

  • Any long-range gift, such as land or real estate, stocks and bonds, copyrights, oil rights, business inventory, or art objects.

  • Any variety of charitable trusts such as unit trusts, annuity trusts, lead trusts, revocable living trusts or lift estate trusts that will eventually direct all or a part of the trust's assets to our System.

How can donors join the Heritage Society?

  • By making a deferred or planned gift for the benefit of the St. Edmond Catholic School System and signing a non-binding Heritage Society commitment form.

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