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Nickless 주교의 메시지


가장 존경하는 R. 워커 니클리스
수시티 주교

Saint Thomas Aquinas, patron saint of Catholic schools, says, “The things that we love tell us what we are.” You can imagine the different roads this statement can lead as we look at our own lives and determine what it is that we love. Is it material possessions? Buying the newest car? Living in the biggest house? Or are there intangible things that we value such as faith, knowledge and wisdom?

There is no greater evidence of the love of education than that of the thousands of families in our diocese who choose to enroll in our Catholic schools. Parents make countless sacrifices—both financially and otherwise—for their children to receive a faith-based education that instills a lifelong set of beliefs and principals not found in a public school system. Parents hold our schools to a higher level of accountability because of the significant investment being made in their children’s upbringing.

Our teachers have a great love for our students too. Many of our teachers and school support staff forgo many perks and benefits that could be available teaching elsewhere because they truly believe in the importance of including Christ in the classroom. Their love for our schools is shown in their dedication and commitment to shaping the hearts and minds of our youth.

Many of you support our schools not only through financial means but also through countless volunteer hours. These acts of love are another reason our schools are successful. Thank you for your continued support.

Please keep all of our schools, our teachers and support staff, our students and their families in your prayers. May God continue to bring down His blessings upon each one of you.

St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us.

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