Class of 1974
40th Class Reunion

Class of 1973
50th Class Reunion
Reunions come around fast. You graduate and the next thing you know someone is starting to plan your 5 year reunion. It can be a daunting task trying to locate some of your former classmates. That is where we want to help! St. Edmond now will assist you with the following services -
Assisting with alumni addresses.
Setting up school tours.
Assistance with setting up websites or Facebook pages.
Assistance with any local business you would like to book for your reunion.
Reunion listed in our Sharing the Spirit Newsletter.
The reunion is listed on our website.
Using our St. Edmond facility for your social.
Contact us and let us help out!
Email - Susan Laufersweiler or 515-955-6077
2024 Class Reunions
Class of 1964 will gather at Olde Boston’s on Sept. 7, 2024.
Class of 1979 will gather at Ride’s Bar and Frill on Sept. 21, 2024.
Class of 1984 will gather Homecoming weekend, Sept. 27-29, 2024.
Class of 2004 will gather May 3-5 and attend the Saint Edmond Ball.